Earth Day
Tadpoles (0-8 years old)
Froglets (9-15 years old)
Frogs (16+ years old)
🌎 THEME This year's theme, Protect Our Buzzing Friends, is all about changes we can make to our habits to protect our earth, its climate and ultimately protect bees from going extinct.
🌎 STARTER PAGE Use your creativity to show the importance of Earth Day and what Earth Day means to you. Don't recreate Busy the bee or Beau the frog - I'm providing Busy and Beau for you on a starter page that must be included in your final art submission. Color crayons, paints, water color, digital, paper crafting, etc. Whatever medium you choose, the only rule is that you must use the provided starter page. You can print the starter page if you are using a physical medium or you can use the starter page as your background if you're using a digital medium.
🌎 EMAIL SUBMISSIONS NEW: When you've finished, take a good, well-lit and centered photo so we can see your work clearly. To submit your work for the contest, send the photo to Be sure to include all of the following in your email submission:
** Your name (your first name and last initial is fine)
** Your age group (you don't have to tell us your age, just your category - Tadpoles, Froglets or Frogs)
All entries will appear here on my website so be sure to come back and look at all the artists!
🌎 DEADLINE Be sure to submit your contest entry by April 21, 2021 by midnight (Eastern time). The following day, Earth Day 2021, three winners will be selected, one from each age group. Winners will be announced on social media in an Instagram live video and posted here on my website (along with their artwork).
🌎 PRIZE One winner from each age group will receive a reusable grocery tote plus a few extra surprise goodies.

🌎 THE OBVIOUS STUFF Please keep all entries appropriate to Earth Day and uplifting in the spirit of the celebration. Inappropriate entries (as deemed by me and my team) will not be considered and will not appear on my website. Beau the frog is my own, original character and he is trademarked - no distribution and my signature must remain on the starter page. This year includes Busy, also a trademarked original character.
🌎 GET HOPPING! OK! Pretty simple, right? Click below to download or print the PDF starter page and get hopping! Start submitting asap!
#BeauDoesEarthDay 2021 - Curated tweets by RobKazArtCongrats to the winners of my 5th annual Earth Day Art Contest!
— Rob Kaz Art (@RobKazArt) April 22, 2021
Thanks to all participants. I wish I could've chosen all of you to win - but our Earth is the big winner because you've shown your commitment to making sure our world has the best caretakers.#BeauDoesEarthDay 🌎
And we have our winners! Check out my Instagram Stories live video to hear why I chose each winner. Thanks to everyone who participated and whose efforts are helping to shape a beautiful Earth for generations to come. #beaudoesearthday
— Rob Kaz Art (@RobKazArt) April 22, 2020
The winners of my 3rd annual Earth Day Art Contest! Congrats to Riley (Tadpoles age group), Emily (Froglets age group) and Dana (Frogs age group). These talented artists truly showed the spirit of Earth Day and our theme Protect Our Friends. #beaudoesearthday
— Rob Kaz Art (@RobKazArt) April 23, 2019